How to register to vote for your favorite artists at ArtPrize®.
Swineharts Vote Code: 57418
Step 1:
Visit and click “Sign Up” to create your account.
Step 2 (choose an option):
a) Download the appropriate mobile app using the links below and then cast your vote by smartphone while visiting ArtPrize®.
b) Register in person at one of the 2014 Voting Sites and present a government-issued photo ID (either a driver’s license, state ID, or passport). List of voting site: Click Here!
c) Add your mobile phone number to your ARTPRIZE Account to text your favorite artists vote code to 808080. The Swineharts vote code is 57418
Download the ArtPrize® Mobile App for iPhone or Android using the links below.
How to register using the mobile app:
Go downtown (anywhere within the ArtPrize® District) during ArtPrize®
Open the app. Your phone’s GPS will verify your location within the ArtPrize® district and the app will automatically ask if you would like to register. Click “Yes” and you’re done!
How to vote using the ArtPrize® app:
From anywhere in the app, tap the Vote icon at the bottom of the screen (looks like a thumbs-up) and type in an Entry’s five-digit Vote Code on an individual Entry’s page, tap the “Vote for this Entry” button
You can see your vote history by tapping your Account icon in the upper right and choosing “Your Vote History”.